BiotecConnect Sustainability Blog

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Sustaining clean air by employing bio/nanotechnology to remove pollution before and after it is produced is what people need to learn so they can sustain clean air to breathe on our planet Earth.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


29 April 2010 - Biomaterials

Last Year, 28 March 2009, Stanford University reported “Research team develops faux wood that can biodegrade” at This will be the type of construction material which will be sustainable.

This year the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research announced a grant for “the development of novel biomaterials and technologies for promoting repair, regeneration, restoration and reconstruction of diseased and injured oral and craniofacial tissues” at This will be a sustainable biomaterial that will revolutionize healthcare.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bio/NanoTech Product Development

Product Development
BiotecConnect predicts that corporate social innovation will lead to the development of new products, and, even new sustainable industries to meet the huge demand globally for products to meet basic human needs.

In particular plant cell bioreactors potentially could be used to generate food and a carbon source to feed microorganisms used for fuel production.

Concentrated plant cells potentially could be grown in industrial scale bioreactors requiring much less use of land, water, pesticides and fertilizer than conventional agriculture since all operations will take place in a controlled environment and produce much less waste product.

New and improved enzymes that are discovered could potentially be applied to synthesize and manufacture from carbon sourced raw materials grown in bioreactors recyclable materials for clothing, construction and machinery.

New enzymes could also potentially be used to reprocess waste products that pollute the air and/or water.

Since the age of the dinosaurs, microorganisms have digested carbon based higher organisms and then, through geophysical forces over time, deposits of fossil fuels were produced which are employed today and predicted to run out in the near future.

Microorganisms engineered to efficiently digest carbon based raw materials could potentially be processed using recyclable machinery to generate a replacement for fossil fuels.

New sustainable industrial global economy

BiotecConnect envisions a new global economy driven by the goals for sustainability and ever increasing production efficiency of products that satisfy basic human needs.

BiotecConnect supports a new sustainable industrial global economy created by application of discoveries in biotechnology and nanotechnology that will provide the tools needed to both sustainably satisfy basic human needs and sustain the ecosystem. Discoveries in biotechnology will be employed to more efficiently generate agricultural products, biosynthetic materials, fuels to replace fossil fuels, and waste reprocessing services, as well as health care products.

This new industrial global economy will be sustainable because conventional agriculture will be replaced by industrial agriculture which will efficiently employ people to operate facilities where the food is grown under controlled conditions. Furthermore, recombinant photosynthesis will be harnessed to capture solar energy for renewable fuels, and, the industrial agriculture waste products will be recycled or used to produce renewable fuels.

Also, ever increasing production efficiency is assured by applying the latest discoveries resulting from biotechnology explorations published in leading scientific journals by research groups located throughout the entire globe.

Companies will compete with one another to prepare products to satisfy the huge market for basic human needs globally and locally. This competition will be driven and will continue indefinitely because these new companies will always be seeking to manufacture products more and more cost effectively by utilizing even more recent knowledge in biotechnology. Use of BIKE (Bio/Nanotech Internet Knowledge Exchange), which is the web portal to the BiotecConnect Knowledge Management Database will lead to application of new biotech tools by people in different parts of the globe to enhance the efficient management of natural resources both locally and globally.

The efficient management of natural resources throughout the globe will satisfy the demand for basic human needs everywhere in a sustainable manner, i.e. satisfy